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It looks great but I think there actually might be too many pixel on screen for the jam, from the center point to either the left or right side its a bit more than 64 pixels wide, so that means the total length of the screen is more than double the allowed amount of 64.  you could fix that though by making the screen resolution smaller. You still have plenty of time to fix that otherwise it doesn't fit the jam just yet. 

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Additionally, the menu and the crosshair are both far bigger (or smaller, in this case) than 64x64.

Since you're using Unity, I suggest taking a look at their 2D Pixel Perfect package (despite what it says, it works for 3D as well).

Il have a lookie when i get back from my trip, thank you!!!

check recent ^

(1 edit)

The title screen and menu are still above limitations still, I would try making them with pixels that line up. There also seems to be an issue where the pixels turn into half pixels and expand the amount of pixels on screen,  I would recommend finding a pixel perfect tool for unity.