It could be that, i was on vacation and there was quite terrible connectivity. (no vpn used there)
But now i've retried again at home, and it does the same. Although this time i do have vpn active for work, but i would say correctly configured for only specific ips/dns to go through vpn, regular traffic/dns goes to my local router.
Just few empty .tmp files appears in _Data folder, but that's all.
-> % ll fertile_crescent/The\ Fertile\ Crescent\ Launcher_Data total 3.1M
drwx------. 2 queria queria 4.0K Jun 17 00:19 Resources
drwx------. 2 queria queria 4.0K Jun 17 00:20 loc
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria 0 Aug 5 13:28 4ed73eac-c9ed-4a86-a0c5-7b69c7cc3528.tmp
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria 38 Jun 17 00:19
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria 0 Aug 4 16:27 b80647d2-82b2-4132-b5c5-d08c581e8bdf.tmp
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria 123 Jun 17 00:19 boot.config
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria 45K Jun 17 00:19 globalgamemanagers
How can i gather more info?
Is there a log file somewhere, some status files, or some url for me to test fetching (e.g. with curl or such)?
Btw i've just tested it on my desktop machine, where i had the game already from previous versions working, seems updating there works (it did some fetching&patching).
So seems as some bad state on the laptop? How exactly is vpn known to cause the issue?