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The good:

  • the level design is pretty good, although there are some cases where if you stay in one of the low platforms for a while you cant get up to your previous location because the rewind is limited. consider making rewind unlimited, technically computers have a lot of memory these days so it shouldn't be a problem
  • The sprites are well done, the platforms are clear. 

The bad:

  • Player movment feels too fast, a lot of the time im just slipping off the edge and falling.
  • Try implementing coyote jump. looks like you have a single raycast going down for the floorcheck, try a shape cast.
  • looks like you were going for a pixel artstyle, so in the texture options remove texture filtering. It ill give you the pixel artstyle you were going for and not the blurred sprites that you have going on.

I can only agree on this.

Cute little pet-linke thing you made :D.