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I think the time machine concept could be a good one for the jam, but I'm not sure how time travel works in this game. I might have missed it. The LMB attack was pretty clear, but I could not quite get the hang of the RMB, probably my fault, but I didn't really get what it did (maybe it's the time travel piece I missed?)  The spinning clock in the corner looked cool. The low-poly game objects in a higher-poly environment felt a little disconnected; maybe choose one style or the other, but not both. (I have the same issue in my game, a detailed bg image with my waaaay less detailed art on top, just doesn't work as well). Good job getting your game done for the jam, especially in 3D.

Thanks for the feedback ^^ You're spot on btw :p
The RMB skill doesn't have as much force, so if you move forward while pressing it, it'll not go far. If you stand still, it goes pretty far. 
Hitting one of those kills an enemy instantly