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(4 edits)

Thanks for the great feedback! Appreciate you took your time to write all of it:

-The font on the how to play menu turned out so pixeled on the final build, it wasn't like that in unity. It is one of the first things we will improve after the gamejam ends

-Showing how many tries you have is one of the most requested thinks, we will do it too, though we like it how it is now (you don't see how much tries you have, so it is kind of a surprise when you get kicked out), lots of people have told us that it would be better to give the player some feedback about how many "lifes" he has. So yeah, will be done in the future. 

-We wanted the detective to kick you out of the test if you didn't answer yes cause we wanted to make you feel like you must be determined to pass it. Like in real life, I guess... So we made him to kick you out and go to the main menu. 

Thanks for playing! 

On the second point: Maybe you could strike a balance: rather than showing how many 'lives' the player has, maybe just make it part of the dialogue, so rather than saying INCORRECT each time make him get more and more angry the closer you are to losing (e.g. 1st mistake "that doesnt sound right to me, you better not be lying to me", 2nd mistake "Dont lie to me again or I'll get really upset!") so when theyre on their last life you could have him say something like "I'm giving you one more chance to tell me the truth! Any more lies and you're out of here!" or something like that.  That way it sort of keeps the game in character, but still gives the player the info they need that theyre on their last warning?

On a similar note, maybe in the intro you could have him say something like "WHAT?! That's not the attitude I'm looking for! You better wake yourself up because you'll find out how angry I can get if your behaviour doesn't improve!"; something which progresses the story but lets you know this guy is a bit of a hothead haha :) 

A pleasure!