Oh Cool, about the audio, it's because there are none. because i'd rather made it silent rather than messing the whole game with audio that doesn't fit but i'm currently finding the audios. and maybe the film grain is too heavy that it hurts my eyes too (my playtesters didn't complain about this so i thought it was just me). and shooting seems too easy with left click. so here it is! shooting with W. Thanks for the honest feedback bro! I'll change them and spice the game up again.
Yeah fair enough I guess.
I think it was the chromatic aberation (is that what its called) that was a bit much for me tbh; the static maybe would get annoying too but i didn't find it as bad as the chromatic aberation.
You're welcome! I think there was a lot of good in the game (i just tend to focus on the potential areas of improvement in my reviews; hope it didn't seem too negative, sorry if it did).