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Jayden Kusuma

A member registered Mar 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! rated too

yeah i also thought of that but didn't have much time to finish because school, so i just cut down the scope to a platformer. thanks!

The graphics are simple but good! love the glowy effect. Was stuck on level 8 for a while until i just quitted. Great job!

ah yeah i didn't notice the vehicle. still, good work though!

Doesn't really fit the theme. The movement is fun but difficult and takes time to master.  Good job!

Gameplay's awesome, like the idea of being a bodyguard and getting rid of fans. graphics looks like mlikman karlson but it's cool! Great job!

The art is amazing! the gameplay was fun too, definitely worth the tiredness that you guys got. Good job!

Really good graphics! the same as for other games i've rated, i don't know how it works. i can only move the soldiers to formation? the wasd keys move camera which i don't find useful. Good job though!

This game reminds me of those .io games, which i used to play during computer class at school.  Was confused on what to do at first since there wasn't any tutorials (well there was instructions if i scroll down the page). I'm not a good artist as well so if i was in your position i would use basic shapes too. Good job though!

Liked the mix of the puzzle and platforming. Required accuracy on the jump timings. Liked how the game looks. Good job!

game involves lots of walking, and the move speed is so slow making the walk feel boring. The environment is  nice, but the atmosphere doesn't feel like mars atmosphere. Only saw the shadows once. Good job though!

liked the terminal looking interface thing. didn't understand what i should do and like the main objective of the game (only played like a minute or two, sorry). Good job though!

That voice was my voice (which was already deep to begin with), with the pitch turned down quite a bit. and indeed that is a big toaster

The delay in controls? it's intentional since the guy has to finish speaking before robot guy can walk. Thanks for checking out my game!

cylinders cylinders. didn't really know what to do after i started the game and how the game works. graphics are okay, i didn't hear any audio. good job for submitting a game though!

Amazing looking game! the graphics are good, and the finding frequency and position thing is interesting. though i never used dating apps so i don't know how the tinder part works. great job!

Great background music! the intro cutscene's are good, although there shouldn't probably be any skip cutscene button since the cutscene is very much the entire theme of the game. good job!

absolutely loved this game. Loved the look this game had, although i think the controls were too strange (not sure how to explain this but it feels kinda snappy and less fluid). the wasted screen, well what other game could it possibly refer to. Awesome job!

This game's actually pretty unique and fun, although it's kinda weird how the health is changing pretty randomly, and also idk how this health system works and i haven't died from not falling off the ground so yea i just dashed through while ignoring the enemies.

pretty cool game, although i think you should make the first few levels less obvious (perhaps no need for those arrow signs) so that people can slightly explore more. was stuck on the part where high jumping is introduced since i don't know what todo (eh my fault probably). Liked how it looks, although the player has only one animation. Good job though

Kinda doesn't fit the theme until the end where it's revealed that it's in a simulation (also didn't read the description thing yet until i finished the game). Looks pretty cool, although lacks some audio on the parasite thing moving and the gate opening. Good job though!

Liked this game! It looks pretty cool although i think what it lacks is some of the saw sounds so that player can hear it coming in case they're too focused on the ghosts. Liked the concept of turning ghosts into fruits and having those moving platforms and saw things to make the game more challenging. Got to around 50 points since i'm pretty terrible at playing games. Good job!

eh perhaps maybe some people do enjoy 3D modelling, but I haven't learned to do it so I used the amazing probuilder to get some stuff done

yea i'm sorry i kinda made it so that ppl have to find some way to get past the level although i haven't got any people to actually playtest it (well, i tested it but i'm the developer so i know exactly what todo, playtesting was just finding bugs then)

Doesn't fit the theme at all, graphics looks pretty good, audio sounds okay, looks like a generic RPG to me tho so yeah. the main issue being this not a submission to the game jam but still submitted and i've encountered some of these a couple times already

This being made in just 4 hours and being almost 100mb in size despite being a zip file is kinda sus man, doesn't have any cover image and anything too

Uhh, it's a platformer, a good looking platformer and has good audio. but how does this game fit the theme? And also was the main menu screen and ending screen supposed to be that small or was there some sort of issue with it (maybe not changing the screen from constant pixel size to scale with screen size if it's made in unity)?  otherwise, a pretty decent game for a first project!

Please check out my game, . i'm still trying to make some art for my games but well still. It's a survival game, probably looks bad because i'm not experienced with making art but please check it out

Well, you still got time to prepare for the jam. Brackeys' has a lot of tutorials you can use to make any projects you want. On August 22nd, the jam starts and the theme is announce. You then have to make a game based on the theme. then on August 29th, it's submission day and you submit what you got. as simple as that. Though don't force yourself too much and risk your wellbeing. Do what you can, learn more and prepare for another game jam.

Best of luck to us all :)

though IF you celebrate it, that's some time loss jkjk. the jam's your birthday gift :)

I've been leaerning programming since i'm 10 (now i'm 13).I never tried godot so i don't know how difficult it is to use it. but i'd recommend unity because it's what i've been using and for me it isn't difficult to use. or, if you don't like regular programming, you can use bolt visual programming! and there's a lot of tutorials from brackeys about most things so in case you need em, you have em.  i also agree with what blakeb1's suggestion. One thing i got which helps me a lot in game jams is to plan first. planning helps quite a lot so you can know what to make and so you can schedule when you're going to do it. i'm not much of an artist myself but i also agree with pandaman02's suggestion about making your own art (unlike me who always uses simple shapes). I learned a lot from game jams, mostly time management and coding efficiently. as long as you got a playable game up, you're already a winner.

Like the art and audio. It's minimalistic but pretty epic. The song was too short and loopy and a bit boring. 

pretty epic game! like the idea of this game.

Please check out my game and i will check out and rate urs :) thanks

I enjoyed it, pretty cool! but as some other people commented that the intro cutscene is unskippable and yeah I don't like that. But it's got a epic menu art and good job for you guys! Maybe just skip a dialogue by left clicking ? (no need to skip the whole cutscene in case someone still doesn't understand what todo).