Almost done. Just wrapping up the last few remaining things tomorrow, plus some play testing, then I'll upload the builds.
- fill in project page
- description
- how to play
- screenshots
- finish inter level dialogue
- whoever said you shouldn't dodge your problems, has never had a bullet fired at them
- ever thought about being a hotdog reviewer? Don't. You're too good for business
- someone once told me not to eat the buns on friday. That's absurd.
- random level select menu option
- pick difficulty
- pick length
- pick music
- test xbox controller support
- fix why the quit/start menu doesn't reset game properly
- add more reasons to crouch
The game got a slight name change, and is now called Mouse 2064, to suit it's storeline, after which I threw some fonts at a wall and came up with a logo, which I then crunched into the ingame 64 pixel logo
I honestly can't even remember all the things I've added since last update, so have some screenshots