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I'm not too sure if there's a bug with the game, but I'm not able to play the game since it's stuck on one screen. Although, the music was phenomenal and the graphics look good too! It feels really calming which is something I always enjoy.

Anyway, hope I'll be able to play your game eventually since it seems really cool!

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Hi Gottinn!

Thanks for leaving a comment. In the game you can literally blow into the microphone of your VR headset and push a leaf from one platform to another.

I should really add a tutorial soon - apologies!

Let me know if you still can't play the game.

Ohhh it requires a VR headset. I didn't read the description so i didn't realize. Haha sorry about that. I don't have a VR headset so I still can't play the game sadly :(

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No worries Gottinn :)

I just checked out I.D. Restart - awesome job!! Good luck in the jam!