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First off, the attack is the best thing about this game. So satisfying, but I wish I would be able to use it more than a few times per level. The level design is mazelike, which I'm not a big fan of, but there are lights in the ceiling that help you find your way (I think) and the exit portal makes sound when you start to get close to it. I wish I could just try the level again when dying, instead of going back to level 1. Rolling past multiple enemies seems easy... until it isn't and you get instagibbed.


I get what you're saying about using the attack more. It's one of our favorite things as well. The original idea was to have the game be more combat focused, but it turned out to be way too easy (boring even) and we found that having to carefully manage your shots made the game more tense. The alternative would have been to program more challenging enemies, which might have been the better solution, but we simply didn't have the time to do so. :)

Thanks for your feedback and for playing!