I've followed! Oh and the saving was always working fine: it's just a pain to load itch.io on mobile, switch to desktop mode and press play. Also, how to you save using webGL: Can you use serialisation or just playerprefs?
What browser are you using? I'm happy that it works for you 😃 I will check, what other browsers are working. With Chrome it does not work for me.
This time I used serialization for saving the data, but in the past game jams I always used playerprefs. This time serialization was easier, because I save arrays of BigIntegers. So yes, you can use serialization with webGL, but it seems, that it is a bit buggy.
I googled a lot, and now I'm just confused, and don't understand why it works for you 😅I also tested the game in different browsers. Sometimes it saves and sometimes nothing gets saved. So I really don't recommend using serialization in WebGL. I rewrote the loading and saving to PlayerPrefs and after the rating time ended, i will update the game. Thanks for your feedback and help!