First time i played 30 seconds, i click all, nothing happened, and I closed the game.
Then i readed some comments, and i gave it a second try. I didnt recongnise the "end day" as a button on full screen the first time. The UI and what to do is really confusing as begginer.
Now i played for long time, and the idea and the difficulty is awesome actually. Most of the other games of the jam took the 'cursed' idea as kill zombies or place skeletons pics. You got the idea as it is suppose to be, well done.
I was impress that the game is a challenge, and the game itsell its a secret master piece.
After a while the click sound start to annoy me. In fact there is too much clicking in this game, i will add an icon on top of the house to see actions at first sight, so you dont need to click all. And second shortcuts for the curses, the keys '1' '2' '3' will save me a lot of mouse travell and better focus on the game.
Probably top 3+ of the gamejam, and clear winner in developing the theme idea. That gui and shorcuts fixed could make you a questionless winner.