I enjoyed it. I think the biggest improvements to be made are as follows:
- Controls are a bit scattered across the keyboard and mouse
- More polish, perhaps faster movement (maybe you start out fast, ready to explore, and get bigger, slower and more looming over time), and sound.
- More cross-interactions, like the rats or spoilage or explode fire coming in handy later (I felt the need to explode-fire on the church candles for example)
- More challenge in the early game. Which brings me to...
What I really liked:
- The combat! Preparing good straight-line move while "chanting" a spell was surprisingly interesting, and should have taken up more of the game (perhaps the villagers should become defeatable and aggressive upon ruining their stuff, rather than instantly broken)
- The map, fairly cute and intuitive to navigate. A pointer towards the shrine upon levelling up might have helped but I had no trouble with it