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A member registered May 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ok this actually baffled me with how clever it was. A fun little solo game with -nothing- but dice, that’s actually good and has variants? Wild.

Am I playing wrong? Having to match the value precisely terminates a lot of my games before they even start. Can I offer -more- than their value, not taking favour into account?

I really was gonna just appreciate it, just leave a nice rating, and move on… but JENNY DEATH. 5/5, very cute, it’d be a 6/5 with a little quest hook or trade column.

Not gonna lie, it’s a bit irritating that everyone is comparing it to Balatro when it’s a lot more like what came before it: very, very good solo card games, like Regicide, Scoundrel, etc. I’m willing to bet the designer is at least aware of that design space, if not downright adept at it.

Impeccable, right up my alley, the kind of card game that justifies its digital form by adding enough depth, variety and digital bookkeeping. LIKE BALATR-

I’m a big fan of solo card games, and I love seeing some of the potential inspirations, mainly Scoundrel and Bogey.

Genius, sleek design, instantly got my gears spinning. Aside from the abilities not being noticeable until I didn’t know how to not-die… I loved it. I said out loud “Damn, this is even better than a demo, a free itch version. I’m so buying this.”

Then the name seemed a bit familiar. Of course it’s the mind behind Slipways, a total gem of a game.

You’re an artisan. I wish you similar or better luck with Solitomb. I’m buying.

Ah, ok, it’s my first time contributing, I didn’t know I had to do that, thank you for the link and the patience :)


Absolutely delightful experience, I’d happily play an expanded version, and I got madly attached to my mad boy Thethen.

The creation of the zine itself, the distortion, and the creative reuse of its elements, is as cozy-punk as it gets. A Stardew Valley punk dressed in black, squinting at you from across the room.

Excellently composed, they reward second and third glances over each, and divination fans who take their time might find identifying the components, and new meanings, very rewarding. 5/5.

Something soft, real and immortal binds these adorable little pages together, beyond paper and code.

I’m so proud of you.

Aw, I’m glad! I was quite surprised to see it’s the only game of its kind on your page, I’d love to see more!

I honestly adore this game, and the solo mechanic for what is essentially speedrunning is something genuinely elegant.

Possibly my favourite “quick snacky game” <3

Don’t get me wrong, the demo works like a dream on Wine on Linux, and I love how tactile and elegant and choicey the game is, it’s just a recc to get more players <3

I wish there was a demo for Linux as well


You can’t assign a license to a single word. Or claim that it’s a game. Or claim that it’s about “accessibility”.

It’s a nihilistic, mean-spirited joke about all of the above.

Or maybe it’s about capitalism. The “performance” of taking a single grain of sugar, wrapping it in a candy wrapper, and not just saying it’s candy, but copyrighting the “brand”.

  1. This is just a blank page with the word “REVEL”, and then 40 words of licensing.
  2. This isn’t a game, or a supplement, or anything.
  3. You can’t copyright a single word, and there’s no way that you can expect “CC BY-SA 4.0” attribution on the word “Revel”.
  4. It’s pretty insulting to “accessibility” itself that you’d call a single word “accessible”

This is just a mean, sneaky joke to grab “first upload” on the jam, and again, insulting to the idea of “accessibility”, which is a real thing in gaming.

It feels like a nihilistic… anti-joke about game design. Or copyright. Or playtesting. Or game jams?

Whatever beauty or artistry or meaning there is to roleplaying games, “Revel” is, at best, an exploration of a bold… grey… lack of any of that.

Absolutely delightful, and it has a twist <3


It doesn't work for me on Firefox Ubuntu, to click on "Continue". I'll download it and get back to you

Very catchy, lovely animations, and a huge amount of potential in the core systems.

However, be careful with the following:

- stacked multipliers are ridiculously powerful, resulting in hundreds or thousands of gems, endless healing, and even a game freeze upon high numbers

- turtle play where you're just farming shields/healing and money

- insta-wins with stacked multipliers and AoE

A silly, enjoyable, juicy, charming little game! Looking forward to updates!

Excellent, simple design, I love it!

Yeah, it makes sense after playtesting (which you absolutely have no time for in 3h), because you mostly run away from enemies, followed by the only decent, ranged combo. I wanted to see if the mechanic works well, and I got inspired by it in my next game somewhat :D

What part seemed unfair to you? I'm really curious

Interesting use of the mouse wheel, and I always like an inventive health display!

Did you actually get past the tutorial? There was a bug that spawned infinite enemies in the tutorial, and one that kept you from actually playing the game with enemy spawners and such. Can you please check again to see if it works? You can just press R to skip the tutorial. Thanks!

Hey! That was absolutely not just one bug, but two! Can you see if the game works by pressing R during the tutorial please? :)

I'm continuously exploring this movement-as-abilities avenue, thank you! :D

Fair, it was a cool experiment but in 3 hours I struggled even to give it this much polish since my workflow is pretty messy.

Cute concept, would've liked to see enemies with the same vulnerability as the player. And I was very quick to cheese it by going into a corner :p

(2 edits)

Absolutely delightful! Would've liked a visual effect for the stuns and maybe some of the cards but it's surprising to see a deck builder in such a small jam! <3

I played for about 2 hours, you should be proud that you've managed to create a game that engaging. I died right at the end though! With a New Game + option I would've gone right back I think, or with a bit more variety. This is not a criticism, but an encouragement to keep going and develop this!

I actually built a strategy around heals and stuns and each colour having a role, surprising depth!

(1 edit)

Holy crap how is this so good? What a solid core mechanic! And the AI was surprisingly good!

Really fun emergent gameplay from the physics and the grabbing mechanism!

Oh and if you want to enable a variety of controls, there should be nothing wrong with clicking to select a character, then dragging in a certain direction to execute an ability (left/right to swap places, up/down and/or hold to do timed abilities, etc). I think you really struck a rough gem here and there's a lot of potential for timing -and- tactics, even strategy! I'll be following you to see where this project goes!

(1 edit)

That's very fair, I did something similar, "hey, I want to see if this mechanic has potential".

In this case, it for sure has. Combining movement and actions is really satisfying, consider adding an "up" or "down" mechanic for each class, perhaps selectable abilities, maybe the ability to strategise around enemies, and you've got a full, innovative game!

The only change I might make would be to have an "absolute" key, like Q for the defender and W for attacker, wherever they are. Or perhaps a "tab" key, where you select the next fighter

So much to do with this core mechanic. Tiny game with a very strong idea. Might have been worth extending with some more smaller enemies and such, so post-jam you should add more characters and abilities!

Zendo was one of my inspirations actually! 

I can't wait to add a procedural level generation feature so that I basically can play singleplayer Zendo! I never had someone to play it with!
(2 edits)

One of my favourite games of the jam. An amazing, well-paced mix of insane, shooty levels and tactical ones, interspersed. I loved the "take the shot" kind of gameplay where nothing is really random, and you really feel like a sniper when you get that "green light" for the king.

And I don't say this lightly: the BEST enemies of the jam, if not some of the best enemies in any small game I've ever played. They felt like they could predict my movements, and faking them out or being caught off-guard by them felt awesome. It felt as amazing to trip a queen up as it was to snipe the king. And perhaps emergently, the knights were unpredictable and very hard to counter. Also, I don't think there was anything wrong with the tank controls, that's how a tank should be: a bit slow, a bit clumsy, and very different from the brainy chess enemies. Maybe the tank's hitbox should have been shrunk a bit, because enemies could fly by me and kill me.

The only thing that could make this better is some self-imposed challenges or achievements about using fewer shots than you have.

I love this.

My first full 5/5 this jam. I hope you get featured and I want to see a devlog!