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Ok, so first: great entry! I noticed you uploaded a devlog, so I had to watch the whole thing :D Always curious about those.

The game's pretty polished and I liked a lot of the effects. Movement was solid and looked nice. Attacking took some getting used to since it was so small but it worked out fine. The sounds irritated me a bit, the walking was too loud and too fast and some of the sounds reminded me of my dentist appointment ... The damage flashes/numbers are such a "small" thing but add a lot to the feel, super nice.

It was really fun seeing the development process, especially since I've never seen Godot before :D

Und jetzt fällt mir auch gerade ein, dass ich dir direkt auf Deutsch hätte schreiben können, weil ich gerade das "DEU" in dem Devlog in der Taskleiste gesehen hab ... xD Aber so können die meisten anderen mein Feedback wenigstens auch lesen ;D

Thank you very much for the feedback. I definitely had some issues with the sounds because I procrastinated a bit adding them, I should've added them right away. :D

I learnt a lot during the development process and will definitely update the game after the jam ends, completing all sounds and tweaking them and fixing all the remaining bugs. I plan on redoing some of the systems like combat, add a level system, balance the game more and I even think about getting into procedural generation for the rooms ;)

Und nice dass auch Deutsche hier teilnehmen :D