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(1 edit)

Nice graphics and interesting idea.

There is a lack of feedback when we click on the dice, I expected audio or graphical feedback at least on this main mechanic, this would help understanding that my actions are the ones having an effect on what's going on. 

I am still unsure what was happening gameplay wise haha. I seem to have defeated some enemies, but I don't understand the link between my dice result, the damage the enemies take or not, and their dice result and the damage I was taking. I was really confused while trying to play.

For your next one, maybe try to improve on the player feedback.

I also didn't see much of the family theme here, maybe I missed something?


Hello! It 5 and 6 on a die is a hit.

Yea, didnt have much time to finish it properly but we are working at it. Yo can see the design document if yo want to


I see you put a lot of work into this! That's really good. Too bad it didn't show that much in the actual game!

So you are going to keep working on this game and improve it?

If you are participating in other jams, maybe try to lower the scope of you game design. I have the same problem and I always end up with something half finished ^^.

Good work anyway, keep going!

Yup. We are going to finish it.