This was really well done all over. Such a simple story told with fun basic gameplay. Really embedding the "Cursed" theme very well. So here are my critical reviews because honestly this was so well done.
Maybe it was due to time limit, but if the dialog boxes and buttons matched better within the game....i know thats super small. It might have been nice to maybe use the assets to create sprite and objects and use those as buttons instead of drawing a GUI.
Bigger though is not being able to use a Key such as Enter or T to move forward in the dialog. I know you use the mouse, but i think this game could have eliminated mouse controls completely. One of the things you want to think about is, if your game dose not need it, dont use one at all. Because users on a portable device like micro handheld pc to download games or laptop wont always have access to a mouse, or trackpad.
Also i have no idea if it was intended or not, but one of the levels you can almost bounce out of screen and start talking to someone that is above the pipes you cant even see. not sure if this was intended, i think it was not because the dialogue box was a bit difficult to read. I think it was level 3 or 4.
Great job dude!