Hi Mashama, thanks for playing the updated version!
As the programmer of the team, I'm extremely happy to hear that someone actually liked the gameplay and concept and not just the art of the game. The feeling you describe is exactly what we were aiming for, so I'm definitely relieved that we managed to get it right.
I have to agree with you on the "blind start"; on one side, I didn't want to give the player too many hints from the beginning; on the other side, the current version is definitely too "random". Maybe better hints and the ability to see at least the first 1-2 tiles could be a solution.
For the music...the lack of composers is strong in our team. That's definitely something we will address in future updates (as soon as we decide what to do with this demo), but for now that's all we have.
Just out of curiosity: how long did it take for you to see the final screen? It's difficult for me to give an estimate, as I know the solutions by heart.
Thanks again for playing the adventure of Maus and for your nice and helpful feedback. Please remember to give your grandchild at least a Stick and a Rope.