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I thought the control and game play were well done. Movement felt really good, and while I think sfx could have really helped, shooting wasn't bad either.  However, the lack of a tutorial made it a little difficult to find out how to use the gun and the inclusion of sound effects could have really made this game feel polished. Seeing past that, I found it to be engaging and fun!  

A List of Small Critiques: 

  1.  There was a big delay between clicking the start button and the game, making me think it had crashed (it didn't)
  2. Having to press F ever time I had to pick up ammo felt clunky
  3. I'm still not really sure what the bonfires did
  4. It was difficult to escape an enemy encounter without taking any damage

Aside from all that I had a good time playing, and hope more people area able to see this game!

Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it.