I was considering purchasing your tutorial on Udemy, but after testing this demo I'm not so sure...
Character view forward based movement doesn't work properly - left and right get mixed up all the time if you rotate camera 180 degrees in heading, so camera space movement is not setup correctly.
Character movement is sluggish, I know this isn't character controller tutorial but velocities could have been tweaked a little bit more.
Crafted items (shack and fireplace) will fall through terrain when dropped.
Why is there only two slots in the inventory, is also a bit strange decision as in the demo there are more items to be crafted than there exists inventory slots.
Sorry if this sounds harsh - I'm mostly interested in learning better coding practices (which this tutorial seems to be focused in) and I've liked your YouTube videos and I'm not looking for basics tutorial either, but these sloppy things in this demo are a bit off-putting.