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Hello !

I played your game for a bit.

- What do you think of the overall feeling (visuals, atmosphere, ...) of the game ?

It's quite basic obviously, but I really enjoyed playing a platformer in space ! The background is beautiful and feeling the void all around you was really interesting for a platformer. The music is simple but it fits well. I think the design/texture of the platforms could be improved though. Playing with a basic shape like that also feels a bit... too basic. Having a fully-animated character might ruin the "abstract" visuals of the game. But more visual effects would be nice.

- Are the player controls and camera movements smooth / enjoyable ? Or frustrating ?

I'd say mostly frustrating. The main problem was that it was really hard to figure out my position in relation to the platforms. With such basic shapes, the perspective does not really allows to know with certitude where things are. The shadow helps a bit but is not enough. The controls are okay otherwise.

- Is it too difficult ? Have you managed to finish it ? If not, where did you quit ?

I stopped at the third level, after having failed countless times on the first two levels. So yes, it's really difficult I think.

That's all I could say about it. Good luck for the future!

Thanks a lot for the feedback !