Firstly, fantastic job with the polish on this one. The music, art, and gameplay all gel together very well. I think the only real problem with the game would be variety. There are a lot of different weapons the player can consume, but they all play out in pretty much the same way. I think if the differences between the weapons were more dramatic, the gameplay loop would have much more longevity. For example, what if certain weapons increased speed, or if certain weapons couldn't break blocks but did more damage. Small changes like this could encourage the player to make more decisions while playing rather than just attacking everything in sight.
Overall though this is a pretty impressive jam game. From my playthroughs it seems like the levels are procedurally generated, which I know is no small task. The post processing, particle effects, music, and screen shake add a lot to the feel of the game as well, I'm excited to see what you make in the future!