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Thanks!  BTW, there's 3 modes.  Easy, Medium and Hard.  The default is Easy mode.  You can change that in Options.  

Ya, Audio was on my list to add but I didn't get around to creating the Audo engine :)  I may add it later but not part of the Jam.   Once you beat the level, it wraps back to Level 1.  Once you die, you can save your score so it you just hit escape or exited then you loose it.  If you just crash into cars on Level 1 once it wraps around it will ask you to save the score and it will save it in the DATA directory.

Ah, of course! I did see the difficulty settings then promptly forgot about them again. I will try again on the harder difficulties! As for the hi-scores, that makes sense. I hit escape once it looped back to level 1.