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Impressive! The graphics and art direction are spot on, and I too was reminded of No Face by the monster. Everything about the visuals was over the top. A little buggy in certain spots, going through doors after death and such, but nothing game breaking. The chase and hiding sequences were well spaced and implemented. Just enough challenge but not enough to be frustrating. I also like how much danger there is in the act of running... kids love to run though. What really brought this to a whole new level was the animation. The player character and monster animations (switching direction!) made the whole world feel aware and alive, the water effects were also a very nice touch. Awesome entry.

Thanks a lot !

I think we're going to make a V2 to make a version without bugs and change the way the beast is coming through the rooms.

There is an animation when the beast appear in the room but we didn't got time to add it...