It's my first time playing this game, here's some feedback as I go through it:
- At first I thought this was an old rpg style overworld map; it's a bit confusing to be put in the map when there's only 1 level to go into and you're already standing in it. Could possibly skip the worldmap just for the first level.
- Jump charge effect can appear after you've already started a jump, if you held down to charge but jumped a bit before the charge completes. Is there much of a point to having a charged jump anyway when your default jump already has different heights depending on how long you hold the jump button for?
- The phone booth door seems to swing towards the background instead of opening towards the foreground, if that makes any sense.
- I'd prefer it if flying accurately with the fairy was the default.
- Not a big fan of pixelart games using rotated sprites (i.e. sitting on a slope), but it's not terrible either.
- The door you open with the weight switch might need a more distinct sprite when it's open, since it's basically using the same colors you can't really tell that it's now a background element at a glance.
- Font in the pause menu looks somewhat blurry in 1080p despite being pixel styled.
- The game registers inputs even when it's running in the background - not pausing/stopping the music might be fair, but I feel like it shouldn't be registering inputs.
- Some sprites in general are a tad hard to tell from the background, since they don't have much of a different color/hue/saturation/outline thickness/level of detail
- Jumping straight up while standing still in a slope can sometimes push you a tiny bit towards the bottom of the slide when starting the jump (like 1-2 pixels to the left on an upwards going slope, for example)
- Water looks completely out of place, it's not even using the same pixel resolution as everything else in the game
- Would be nice if you could get out of the water by walking against a same-height ledge like this
- Underwater theme is cool
- The boss is a bit of a drag, specially if you die towards the end, and the blood looks out of place too.
- Sometimes the entire dialogue from the boss fight intro above the log bridge will play out again while waiting for the boss retry to begin again at the bottom of the pit.
- Not sure if coins mode is too interesting without a timer, since flying around with the fairy negates any challenge.
- What purpose does the humanoid form serve, since it can't run, high jump or charge jump?
All in all solid game, but needs more to it. Keep building up on this foundation!