So well done, I think this is the most Gameboy feeling game in the jam so far. The animations of your sprites, and Turing of the ship are so clean.
The weirdest thing I might have is just at the very start of the game when the player is getting used to the controls. I think going back all the way to the very start before the first checkpoint is a bit much and feels almost like ill never really progress without some leeway. It was odd that i could rest on everything but if i touched the elevator i exploded. It made since but i had to restart from the beginning like 10 times before I got used to it. It would have been nice if your starting spawn back room was the elevator room. Then it wouldn't feel like I'm seeing the two tutorial screens right before every time I start over.
the last thing is, just the ability to mute music but keep SFX. if i wana go for the long grind challenge ill want to keep sound but maybe turn off the music audio. this is always a super nice option to have
Nice job!