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Well its heavily inspired. And I dont make games for originality. I make them to check if I can achieve functionalities similar or same as games I love. I have recreated a lot of other famous games too. 

Also I am actually kinda proud that someone recognized and connected the same link to a game as well made as Pr0ject1on, haha. I appreciate your words despite how they may seem.

Edit: Originality has lost its meaning. Every piece of art is always inspired or copied. I wont deny trying to replicate the game but every thing starts with a base level. Take a simple example of Minecraft that was copied exactly as Infiminer. But then it was build with its own unique functionalities. Same goes with Facebook and Myspace or Paint and Photoshop (examples from different fields). 

Simple thing I hate copycats in any Game Jam.

That why I wrote all this.