That's a TON! Thank you so much! (and apologies you had to find so many bugs!)
I've fixed a couple of those already, and I'll work on the rest this week, so expect an update with a less embarrassing number of bugs and maybe a few improvements as well!
A few case by case answers:
Granny's pronouns - at the moment the game defaults to "he" for all monsters, and the last quest I wrote was the tutorial with Granny. The fix is pretty structural, but on my list.
Fast resolution - yeah, the combat system has a bunch of rolls. Fast resolution just rolls all the misses from the monsters at once, and skips to the bits where they hit you.
Separating permanent from combat conditions is a great idea
Pleasure randomly drops by 0-1 in any given combat round, Submissive feelings drop slower - you lose one at the end of the fight.
Each attack from the weapon picks randomly from each listed attack. So an attack listed twice is just more likely (eg the longsword slashs 67% of the time and stabs the rest.)
Right, back to bug hunting :)