Thank you for such big feedback!
>Players and enemies will stop moving when walking against walls if the direction they're trying to move in is too perpendicular to the walls, despite the directional input probably allowing "sliding" against them.
Yeah that's a problem, don't know how to fix it yet.
>I wish I got introduced to more class/weapons variety early on.
I think I'll add sling weapons for starter levels.
>First boss is a bit boring; I appreciate the minions coming in but I feel there needs to be more ways to damage the boss than just perpetual 1 damage or baiting him into the flames.
You will deal more damage with stronger damage it is just that he has good defences that reduces most attacks to 1 damage, on 5-6 char level you will deal more damage then that.
>It'd be neat to see lights in the level actually illuminate their surroundings and then perhaps have completely dark levels at some points where you might need to use some sort of torch mechanic.
It's not easy to make better light system with gamemaker restrictions, but I'll see what I can do. Also, you may notice that character has light source, this is something like a torch, without torch management.
>Offhand attack cooldown seems really long, though maybe there's offhand-only weapons later on that would justify that cost...
Some classes have ways to reduce that cooldown, some to increase damage, and others to have damage effects like bleeds and interrupts, which depends on weapon type. I think I'll add offhand specific weapons too.
>I'd like to see what my pp/s regen is somewhere.
You can open stats+inventory window (default - 'I'), and hover over 'Power' string for PP, 'Rage' for RP, 'Tricks' for TP, 'Focus' for FP, 'Energy' for EP. There you will see info on regen of this resource.
>Electric hitscan enemies
They actually not a hitscan, they make a target sopt slightly behind target with little pan randomization (more for normal, less for hard), on normal you can see their range (better in 3rd person). Right now you can LOS them by getting away, or hiding behind walls and statues, but I'll look how to improve that, like making them slow on casting on hard and making them stop moving at all on normal.
>Leveling up felt pretty slow, though maybe it's partly due to the first levels having too few enemies (and yet too many barrels).
Its like 30% slower on normal, maybe I'll make it a bit faster, but I'll also planning to make more ways to get you chars leveled, like selling exp books for some currency, getting better expirienced and equipped new chars from generated roster, and/or getting more exp for being expirienced on those floors and/or with specific enemies, and maybe some generated reusable quests.
>Shop controls are weird. Why is RMB used to buy when everything else in the game works with drag and drop?
Actually drag'n'drop was planned as secondary for equipping and selling/buying, you can equip evering by RMB, and Shift+RMB to equip to extraslot. But I could add option to buy with LMB also.
>Would be nice if fire mages tried to run away a little while not attacking you if you start chasing them, they sort of just idle there.
Firemages and thunderguys are like holerics, they just think they will slain you easily with their overpower, also their minds not too clear. Poisoners and archers, and stealthers act a bit more cunning.