Pretty decent game, I only have a couple of complains and bugs to report:
- At the start of the game, if you select "Camp", the character selection pops up, but you can still click "Tower" since that menu doesn't disappear. If you do so, the character selection still shows up, until you RMB, then the tower menu is actually shown.
- Setting UI to low rez will cause conversations to be offscreen.
- Players and enemies will stop moving when walking against walls if the direction they're trying to move in is too perpendicular to the walls, despite the directional input probably allowing "sliding" against them. In short, it's easy to get stuck in geometry by walking against it.
- I wish I got introduced to more class/weapons variety early on. I got a bit tired of being only able to melee for three or more levels. Maybe start the player with daggers or something similar, but have a small limited ammount of them?
- Levels seem a bit too long for what they have to offer. They become monotonous really fast, consider having bigger and more significant room shapes, and perhaps floor height differences.
- First boss is a bit boring; I appreciate the minions coming in but I feel there needs to be more ways to damage the boss than just perpetual 1 damage or baiting him into the flames.
- It'd be neat to see lights in the level actually illuminate their surroundings and then perhaps have completely dark levels at some points where you might need to use some sort of torch mechanic.
- Offhand attack cooldown seems really long, though maybe there's offhand-only weapons later on that would justify that cost...
- I'd like to see what my pp/s regen is somewhere.
- Electric hitscan enemies are pretty boring mechanics-wise. I'd rather they focused on some spot around the player and then discharged there + the ray also hurts if you cross it for the half a second it's on screen. Right now they just hit you as long as you're in range and line of sight and honestly they became really annoying.
- Leveling up felt pretty slow, though maybe it's partly due to the first levels having too few enemies (and yet too many barrels).
- Would be cool if the boss had his own music track.
- Shop controls are weird. Why is RMB used to buy when everything else in the game works with drag and drop?
- Would be nice if fire mages tried to run away a little while not attacking you if you start chasing them, they sort of just idle there.
Looking forward to future updates!
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