In case anyone wants them or AricT wants to incorporate them, here're some tweaks I've been applying to my playthru's (no bugs I've found with these). I tended to get bogged down with too many slaves and things to manage in general such that it took me a long time to get through my turns and kept taking advantage of some exploits so see below.
Edit: remember to fix the tabs/indenting or the code may not work
1) nerfed interactions in
if globals.player.send >= 2:
globals.state.sexactions = ceil(globals.player.send/3.0) #+ variables.basesexactions
globals.state.nonsexactions = ceil(globals.player.send/3.0) #+ variables.basenonsexactions
globals.state.sexactions = 1 #+ variables.basesexactions
globals.state.nonsexactions = 1 #+ variables.basenonsexactions
2) reduced max allowable beds by tying to days played
var nopoplimit = true
if upgrade.code in ['mansioncommunal', 'mansionpersonal','jailcapacity'] && globals.state.nopoplimit == true:
limit = int(round( + 5 - upgrade.pointscost
jailcapacity = {
name = "Capacity",
code = 'jailcapacity',
description = "Adds additional cells to your jail, increasing the maximum number of prisoners it can hold at a time.",
levels = 15,
cost = 299,
pointscost = 3,
valuename = "Jail Cells: ",
mansioncommunal = {
name = "Communal Room Beds",
code = 'mansioncommunal',
description = "Adds new beds to communal room, providing space for additional residents to sleep. ",
levels = 6,
cost = 199,
pointscost = 1,
valuename = "Total beds: ",
mansionpersonal = {
name = "New Personal Room",
code = 'mansionpersonal',
description = "Set up one of the free rooms for living. Personal rooms provide sense of [color=yellow]Luxury[/color] to their hosts. ",
levels = 15,
cost = 549,
pointscost = 3,
valuename = "Total rooms: ",
3) disallowed attribute points to upgrade points on new people (seemed like an exploit to me)
func buyattributepoint():
#Ralpho edit - added && person.loyal >=50
if person.skillpoints >= variables.attributepointsperupgradepoint && person.loyal >=50:
4) decrease reputation more for sebastion/umbra sales
globals.state.reputation[globals.weightedrandom(reputationloss)] -= 18 #was 4
5) Add random traits
to all births at low % chance including those for special characters (eg "Sturdy")
at dim crystal level 2 (Note: I haven't actually seen this work yet so I can't be sure it does, but I wanted to be less dependent on the main story characters to aquire their special traits in offspring)
if rand_range(0,100) <= variables.babynewtraitchance:
if rand_range(0,100) <= 20: # 1 in 5 chance
elif tag == 'unique':
for i in traits:
if traits[i]['tags'].has('unique') == true && traits[i]['tags'].has('expansiontrait') != true:
###---Expansion End---###
[] added to some of the traits the following within "tags": [
"tags": [
6) Easier Fetish Talks, etc. (for less time clicking through consent/fetish menus on all the slaves)
if mode == "stud":
if (person.loyal*.2) + (person.lewdness*.2) + (person.lust*.3) + person.instinct.reproduce >= 50+(person.metrics.birth*10):
if mode == "breeder":
if (person.loyal*.5) + (person.lewdness*.2) + (person.lust*.1) + person.instinct.reproduce >= 75+(person.metrics.birth*10):
#Resistance Check
if person.checkFetish(mode, 2) || person.loyal == 100:
clamper = alternatemod
if rand_range(0,100) <= 20 + ((opinionrank*10) * clamper) + stats.loyal_cur/10:
7) Quicker Breeder Start (otherwise I always ended up picking mage, so I wanted to make breeder more appealing)
elif player.spec == 'Breeder':
globals.state.mansionupgrades.mansionnursery += 1
globals.state.mansionupgrades.dimensionalcrystal += 1
8) Increase spell costs and code change below (makes you play more careful with your mana instead of spamming invigorate and sedate)
func spellcost(spell):
var cost = spell.manacost
if globals.state.spec != 'Mage':
cost = cost*2
9) Nerf Fear spell rebelliousness reduction (seemed like an exploit)
if person.effects.has('captured') == true:
text += "\n[color=green]$name becomes less rebellious towards you.[/color]"
person.effects.captured.duration -= 1+globals.player.smaf/3
10) Tweaked Tentacle Spell (otherwise I never really used it)
person.obed += 75
person.fear += 90
person.lewdness += 5
11) Make food harder to produce with forage/hunting; make cooking more needed (otherwise I never had enough drive to farm; next playthru I'll make food more expensive too b/c it was still too easy to just buy food when hunting/forage didn't cut it)
#forage nerf
###---Added by Expansion---### Ank Bugfix v4
food = min(food, max(person.sstr+person.send, -1)*2+5)
###---End Expansion---###
if person.spec == 'ranger':
food *= 1.5
food = round(food)
text += '$He brought back [color=aqua]'+ str(food) + '[/color] units of food.\n'
person.xp += food/2
#hunt nerf
var food = person.awareness(true)*rand_range(1,4) + max(0,person.send*rand_range(3,8))
if person.cour < 60 && rand_range(0,100) + person.cour/4 < 45:
food = food*rand_range(0.25, 0.50)
text += "Due to [color=yellow]lack of courage[/color], $he obtained less food than $he could. \n"
###---Added by Expansion---### Hybrid Support
if person.race.find('Arachna') >= 0:
food = food*1.4
###---End Expansion---###
if person.spec in ['ranger','trapper']:
food *= 1.5
###---Added by Expansion---### Ank Bugfix v4
food = round(min(food, max(person.sstr+person.send, -1)*3+5))
###---End Expansion---### += round(food/12)
person.xp += food/3