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Thank you for the feedback!  I hope you enjoyed the game~

I never considered my game to be resource management, but the moment I read that, it clicked.  Everything in the game is a resource, even time - which is really just a trade off for getting bonuses, in exchange for the boss getting stronger.

Game balance is definitely a concern for me.  I don't think that taking too long would make the game impossible to win, but it does make it harder.  The cards I think holds the most importance, so RNG is definitely still the biggest factor.

I'm looking into some way to implement logic that will favor the player more when they're suffering from bad RNG.

I actually did play it a second time after posting my first comment. My second play-through (Sword Knight with Sword Mastery) was orders of magnitude easier than my first (Hero Knight with Regeneration). So yeah, there's more work to do to make the battles fun and balanced. Godspeed!

Thanks again for the feedback.  I think balancing the game will be the most difficult part.. must make sure all options can work to some degree.