No Worries - I have framed the "imperium galacica" thing as a question, for a reason :) I would have compiled some stuff in English so you don't need to bother your friend.
- I didn't complain about the colony ship Model, When I looked at models I just stated that what I wanted to do instinctively was to hold the mouse button and drag to look at it from all sides - but clearly, it is only possible to do it via the slider. On the contrary, I really like the look of the ship models :)
Everything is just my opinion and thoughts on stuff which - truth be told - while backed by a lot of experience with a lot fo 4X games with varying degrees of "tediousness" :D, is still subjective. I won't quote UI-Design state of the art books or something to back my arguments, just examples.
This one might be rough - I know that UI design is a necessity and no fun at all.
- UI/Graphics
You clearly went for a very blueish look (like everything is a hologram or an actual screen), that is an artistic choice and I would not want to critique that since my thumbnails, for example, are also heavily stylized but,... take a look at the UIs of Crusader Kings 3 or Stellaris (as Examples of good modern UI Design, TW: Three Kingdoms or TW:Troy are also good examples) and ask yourself, which ones are more intrusive on the eye. Especially with 4X Turn Based Games which people tend to play for a long time with the UI being displayed all the time a more pleasant experience would be favorable. Its mostly just too bright and shiny, you don't really need to build a new UI just tinker with colors a bit I think. This also applies to the star map and the stars, everything is just a bit too shiny and bright.
The Top Bar would need some color coding to differentiate all the resources (like in the mining report diagrams) easier.
- You have clearly gotten the critique of the movement system. The problem with a system in which you can't give simple move orders with one right-click for example and you always need to hit a button or a hotkey is that it makes a slow game (Turn based nature) even slower and more cumbersome.
I have more "nice to have" Ideas like being able to see fleets and stations in the graphical inner system view or when you really got time to spare after adding the other features on the list. Like making exploration more enjoyable with events and such.
Best o/