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Hey! I played your game! So... an effort was made. The goal was to make a classic RPG with the tropes that go with it. I don't mind that. At all. I love classic turn-based RPG. But... I noticed a few problems I couldn't let pass.

- Dane, the Strongest Mage Knight of Terra, victor against the Dark Wizard, conqueror of the war of magic (visibly on his own), Demon Dragon slayer... starting level 1. That's kind of a let down.

- The game would have benefited from a better work on the atmosphere. I mean, imagine the scene: two knights enters a house and end up face to face with a supposedly dangerous witch... and the happy town music keeps playing in the background. There is no tension being built despite the situation, it's really strange.

- There is a few mistakes in the text. Here is a few.


- Speaking of which, what is "Acessory"? And why is it different from Accessory gameplay wise?

- There is two open paths on both sides of Gale Town, but they lead nowhere... Oh wait! There is a bit of text that appears to explain why the characters doesn't go there. But... Not always? That's a bit confusing.

- There is another point where the mapping is misleading. Like the cave entrance on the world map. Why does it show up at all if the player can't access it? This time there isn't even a bunch of text like "There is a boulder blocking the entrance." or "A powerful magic seal has been placed at the entrance." to at least explain why the player can't access it. It doesn't look like much, but to me, it's a clear oversight. The information you convey to the player by your mapping is not clear enough. Same with the Darren Ruins mapping.

- Despite he is supposed to be a Mage Knight, Dane's physical Attack stat is way higher than his Magic Attack stat. So much in fact that his magic is borderline useless. Even if he locates an enemy weak point, he is better off going for physical attacks to deal his damage than bother looking for elemental weaknesses. Especially considering his party supports him way better on the physical than the magical.

Anyway, that's all I had to say about this. So, I didn't felt really challenged by the game at any point. Random battles went through by spamming the Attack command... which is okay, I mean, these battles are not meant to be really challenging. As for the bosses, I just boosted my Attack and spammed the Attack command. And that was it, I won. Yes, this is a game jam and you likely put all this through in a bit more than a week which is pretty nice. But this entry really lacks a well deserved polish in my book. Also you should ask yourself the right question: is what I'm doing have an utility gameplay wise. If yes, then it's cool, go right ahead. But if not consider what else it can bring. Lore? Atmosphere? But if something have no interest whatsoever to be there, it shouldn't be there to begin with. Or if this is something that will be useful later, then mention it. Make whatever this is have a relevance to the world you put it in.

Alright so... I think that's all the advice I have to give. The path is long, but worth it. So I wish you good luck on your project. And good luck for the game jam.


Thank you PikaMew. Sorry you didn't you enjoy it. But we all have our own taste.  :)

You're welcome, Rose! Now, I didn't hated it. It's not like this game wasn't fun at all. But it surely can be a LOT better. So best of luck for your project. ^^