Hey notritter, I got your spawn plugin, seems like I can't spawn a full regionID Area using the script provide (I did success doing that with 'galv_spawn' thought), any solution for that?
I use common event, then connect it to a 'var' and added a 'jump to label' commend with limit number of 1000, but even do the area of the region I spawn it to was less then 1000 tiles, it didn't cover the all area.
Again when using galv spawn event this mothed did work when I use the following script:
I will assume using something similar with your spawn plugin will work but It didn't work when I try to use:
or Ritter.spawn.Event($gameVariables.value(35),15,true);
or Ritter.spawnEventRegion($gameVariables.value(26),14,true);
the map stop when entering like it can read it.
Do you know which script I should use instead? I need it to work with 2000-3000 event tile area, but for start I'm checking it on 1000.
In short: what should I do to get a full area of region cover with the 'spawn event' using your plugin? Here is a screen shot when using normal script without connecting it with the script to the 'var' (it spawn more event but not the full amount set.
(when player attack the ground with 'x' tool he will get item the ground change as you see in the second picture).
and 'gif' show what's happen on the map, the base tile are 'grass'(green), and the event image are the yellow ground you see that spawn, I couldn't upload the all thing but you can see the idea of what need to happened there.
The above show case are only when using your ffical script as you see in the event picture, as I said when I try to use the 'var' script Ritter.spawnEvent($gameVariables.value(35),15,true); and similar, the game stop when entering the map.
I'm building a game that will include 'digging ground' event (like in zelda 2d) using ABS and 'Spawn Event'.