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Awesome, that raining fire area is tough. It glitched out when I got all the way right,is there anything past that?

yeah go left after the fire guy and there is a door that opens next to an NPC. I had to dumb the Antioch flashback down because I couldn't beat it. There was a point where you couldn't avoid getting hit but the hyena wouldn't kill you as quickly ass the meteor, so I sped up the crusaders attack and removed a solid block to make it easier.

yeah, the hyena is still tough but it's beatable. It's just about right.

How did you get to that section? I totally uploaded a version with the wrong Player Start you might be the only person whose played the whole Demo if you got the ruined city section.

lots of exploring. When I started I was like what's at the top of this yellow wall and I couldn't climb it, then I realized after going inside it took me out to the top. At some point, I was going places I don't think you intended me to go and I ended back up on the/a title screen and walked left, that took me to another area to explore!


Thats great, otherwise I wouldnt have never known I submitted the wrong starting location