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Great work as always. You did a lot with very little, and made a surprisingly very deep rhythm game. You nailed an awesome combination of dark, cartoony, niddhogg-esque aesthetics while also making a really awesome game. 

Any criticisms I have are for slightly janky enemy pushes but they actually work perfectly for the aesthetic so honestly I have no complaints :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Ahhh thanks Nate! I'm glad it connected as a rhythm game to be honest, I was a bit worried it would come off as pure combat with a weird beat thrown in the background. And Nidhogg was definetly on the palette of inspirations, so I'm really glad to hear the aesthetic pulled through.

The enemy pushes are a little jank though. I originally designed them just for the dogs but then sort of ran out of time and just kept them for the rest of the  enemies. It was a difficult balance overall to have smooth enemy motion that also stayed in line with the beats, and  having some underlying system to control that would likely be the focus were I to return to the project. 

Again thanks so much for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it!