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hey men hows the update going loved the game checking each week for it xd 


Still not done, I've added more content than I had planned and one of my grafics card said also goodbye >_>

but I'm getting closer to release with every day^^


take the time loved the game its worth waiting for


Sorry to hear about your graphics card, Mine died on me a few years ago.

But quality is always worth waiting for.

(1 edit)

Hey when i have my PC on i have this site open and tab into it to refresh from time to time. :P

it would be easier to jump onto my discord server xD

I dislike having Discord on, too much spam.


Do it like every sane person (who wants to keep sanity) and mute every spam server/channel ;)


First of, lost my sanity ages ago, second, i may think about it. :P