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A member registered Mar 21, 2020

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I think that only works if You use a code, not sure why, asked about it some time ago but noone answered.

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Get a bar fast and the money will flow nicely, plus the money from one "investor" (no spoilers) helps a bunch aswell.

You get it as a part of the story of the Android so You have to lvl her Friendship and continue with her.


You just have to talk with them and increase their Affection until You get Talk events to increase their Friendship.

You need a second floor to have them in the Hotel (i know it may sound logical but one can get stopped on something simple), try to go to different places in the house in different times of the day.

No worry sometimes one can get stuck and it seems silly after You find the answer. Have fun!

I think You need to increase Androids Friendship before You have the option to buy the Kit, it is part of her story so just work on her Friendship first. :)

Happy you found it finnaly! Have fun.

Or it might be the moment You have to go to Kalis room to talk and she will be there... I am not very versed in her story even though i do like her alot hehe. No problem matem, sorry i am not much of help.

No idea what a Lain Mod is. You may need to go to her room at the right time of day or You may need to get someones elses Friendship higher. Sorry i am not much of help it seems heh

If i remember correctly You need to go to the kitchen in the morning. Not sure but i think it is that. Or the washingroom but i think it is kitchen.

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Traits as in "Exhibitionist" and others? They are required to unlock certain options and... activities i guess.

EDIT: As an example Kali requires a certain amount of Exhibitionism and Submissiveness to have sex with You on the beach with her and her sister.

How dare You have a life. I will report You to the nearest authority.

There should be an update soon, it would already be out but the dev got his GPU fried and it slowed things down. There was a conversation about it so i am just tl;dring it for You here. :)

No problem happy to help. Hate that storyline.

If You can not give it to her then You need more friendship or wait for an event.

I think You just go there or start it at Ellen. Can not remember correctly. You may need to go to the Dungeon and talk with Lins sister first i guess.

That is a start of that event but then You have aCompetition in the Dungeon with other owners, i personally Abhor this whole thing but it is what it is. 

You need to have the Dungeon and buy Lins sister to finish it, i think You also need good stats on Lin to win it.

Have You done Lins horrible "Competition" story? I think that might be the roadblock.

No problem, happy to help.

Yes You need the Sanctuary to move Lin story forward at some point so i guess this is the roadblock.

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She does have outfits and You can buy them from the internet shop. As to when You can give them to her it is based on her Friendship level and i think one was part of the event? Not sure now.

EDIT: Also one of them comes with the module. :)

I am not sure where You are exacly so not sure but i am sure there should be something somwhere, try to go to places in the house at different hours. Or the dungeon. Trying to think of something that could be the roadblock. Talk to Ellen maybe.

You may have to go to laundry room or hot springs or other place at the right time, or may need to improve Friendship with someone else to push it further.

Not sure how it works exacly on Android but yes i think You can do it aswell.

Yes You can. Just copy Your old save to the new version.

Guess he played too much with Amber, hehe... he.... because her story is of corruption? he? he.... i will see myself out.

Out of pure curiousity, is there a reson it is locked behind the code? Why is it not a part of the game. Not complaining just asking hehe.

Do not rush it, take Your time. I can not wait myself but good things take time. >.<

Honestly my emotional response in that event was because of my lack of ability to protect Lin but i get what You mean and belive me i think it is not written badly or anything. I just wish for a way to avoid not being able to protect her.

Still, this is Your game, I am in no way trying to impose on that. You do Your thing.

I get all that, but still it pains me to go through it all. I feel very protective over Lin (ok i am starting to sound like a psycho but i got really invested in this game :P) and all of that arc made me actualy angry.

I get what You wrere doing and You did a great job, the story is great but it still something that made my Blood Boil (in a wrong way).

Again, do not get me wrong, i love the game but i do have my complaints that is all.

Agreed, it almost did ruin it for me but the Ashley arc resonated too much with me to just stop playing.

I wonder how much money i would have to dump on Runeys head to make an alternative choices to avoid this whole thing with the guy in town where it all started (seriously we had such a great time with Lin until he showed up and ruined all of it...), oh and while at it let me take Moon to the damn backroom when we do stuff in the bar...

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You and me both are thinking in a very similar way. I would really like Lins story to be able to avoid that thing but it is kinda entwined to the whole storyline overall unfortunitly.

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You can if You ask her for paizuri.

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Well i do not mind Maria as it is her kink but there is also Lin and Moon.

Thanks will keep my eye out.

Edit: I do not mean Exhibitionism as a mechanic but as an actualy thing that is happening in the story.

Love Ashley's story, way deeper that i would expect form ero VN. Only gripe i have is there is too much of exhibitionism where people actualy see the girl that is unavoidable if You want to progress and that is a turn off for me but overall love it. Ashley best girl hehe.

I am sure alot of people ask about this but when can we expect next update to come out?

First of, lost my sanity ages ago, second, i may think about it. :P

I dislike having Discord on, too much spam.


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Hey when i have my PC on i have this site open and tab into it to refresh from time to time. :P

You mention images are made with HS, what is HS? hehe