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Oh I see! Thanks for telling me, I shall check those out!

I do wonder though, what fetishes will be included in the game? Such as... how much girl on girl and man on girl action will there be and how varied (like mostly female on female or female on male)? Will there be "monster sex"? Or will it be only with humanoids? 

Oh! And will there be NPCs of some sort?... I know that in some of my most favorite pixel art h games, there is occasionally NPC sex, like in one where you need to free the girl or boy from a enemy that is smexing them!

For the first part of the game, Tessa, the main character, will interact with humanoids and machines (the prison level).

But, in the World of Tessa, I'm planning to introduce anthropomorphic animals.

And of course! There will be NPCs! And I'm planning to introduce lewd scenes with them.

Oh I see! Nice! So there will be machine sex too? Roughly, how much of the animations will be with humans/humanoids compared to machines/animals? 

Wait... isn't anthropomorphic animals basically humanoids too?

Neato! Will there be NPCs you can talk to and make allies? Or will the game be only Tessa?