Oh, Thanks you !
well that make me think that i really need to work on graphic settings so more ppl can run it.. yeah, i really like Unreal, I use it for everything even if its too much haha.
Yeah, doing asset take a lot of time so i tried to gain time by changing art direction for something with fewer details, well it kinda worked i guess.
Yes, I didn't have time to fix character facing, and adding enemies attack since, that something I added near end, I was foccused on other thing..
and sorry about collision its suposed to keep you in the right way, but the way I did it may not be that good.
writing is just weak point but i want to work on it, and have a better writing !
there is a lot of thing planed for this project, its another project that i want to continue with many others but the low poly style might make it more easy to work on than other ones!
thanks for feedback !