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Pretty decent game ! I could see the base concept working very well for a FPS roguelike. Seeing which rooms ay contain treasures, which rooms may contain bosses miniboss, deciding whether it's worth the fight or whether you should take the shortest route to the end. Really cool.

I was surprised to not see a gun model though as I'm pretty sure I saw your game in the WIP section of the Discord and your videos did have a gun model.

The gun was always there, I played around with lighting more and that's probably why you can see it a lot more clearly

Oh no I actually meant I didn't see it in the final game. I see the muzzle flash hanging in the hair where the barrel should be, but no gun model. Maybe my download got corrupted.

It might be a problem on the kit I used's part. If I go back to this, I'll probably make the gun behaviors myself, so it hopefully won't be a problem.

Cool, I will keep a look out then :)