For starters, I found it very remarkable how much effort you put into the look and atmosphere of the game. From the second I started up your project it was clear that you went above and beyond what we've learned to make your game look unique. I loved all the texture work, the fact that you added in music, and the animation for the coins. I played through all of your levels and through playing I did find something that I think could be improved upon. When I got to the third level, I noticed that you can climb walls by mashing the jump button. I was able to hang on to a wall after falling off, and I was even able to skip the entire level by mashing against the first wall because I assume every jump adds to your current velocity so it added up. However, even though I made it to the end of the level in this way, it didn't let me move onto the next stage. I'm not sure if this is because I didn't collect the coins in the stage or if it was for another reason because it wasn't clear from the start screen whether collecting the coins was required to progress or not. Moving on, something successful about the game was definitely the level design. The third level in particular stands out because I really enjoyed how it's a more condensed space and you're climbing up a mountain. I also loved that you made the ball glow in this particular level so it could still be seen behind the moving obstacles. I also enjoyed that you added a double jump so players could attempt to fix their jumps if they were a little off target. Finally, I really liked that you added multiple levels to your game. It made it feel more complete and I was actually surprised when I moved onto a new level after beating the first one. I also really liked how your UI faded in and out on its own at the start of a level. I also enjoyed that your game was pretty difficult, but I did not like having to restart at the beginning of the level when I died. Your levels were decently long, so a checkpoint or 2 in each would have helped out a ton. There were a few times where I just wanted to stop playing because I fell off at the end of the level and I didn't want to have to go through the entire thing again. The perspective of the camera also sometimes made it difficult to tell where I was in the 3D space and I would end up not landing on a platform that I thought I was going to land on. Overall though, I really enjoyed playing through your first project and I'm excited to see what you do for the next one!