Immediately after starting your game I thought it was very remarkable that you were able to program an AI opponent this early on in the course! That's very impressive and definitely made your game stand out. It was also really cool that you were able to play that goal animation whenever someone scored a goal. Something that I think could have been improved though was that sometimes the player or AI movement would suddenly get a huge boost. For example, there were a couple times where I would jump on top of the AI and I got shot upwards insanely fast. Granted, this was really hilarious when it happened but it's still something to think about. Also, I think a 2 player mode would be a really great option to have! Something I found that was successful about the game was your timer for game length. I think you found the perfect amount of time for the game to last because it didn't drag on and it didn't feel like it was too short. Finally, I liked that you used new assets for the game that we haven't seen before. I also just really enjoyed how it felt to hit the ball because it felt very responsive to my inputs. Something that I didn't like was how the player and and AI were not on equal footing. The player character looked like they were slightly inside of the ground and were lower than the AI. This made it so the AI could jump higher than the player character, which seemed unfair at times. Overall, I found your game very impressive and I'm excited to see what you do for the next project!