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The randomness of the spawns of the ball falling down the ramp makes the game a fun play every time around, since it'll never be the same. The course is well designed, using the speed bump shaped objects and the cones that change the way the balls are coming down the ramp. Having a well established goal makes finishing feel more like finishing a race than an obstacle course, almost allowing me to bask in my glory of having finished your course.

Needs Improvement:

The timer, although useful, doesn't really allow the player to see how long it took to finish the course, and you need to move a sizable distance passed the finishing arch before the game actually resets. Losing a life should reset the course, so that the balls aren't all piled up while you're starting at the bottom. Similarly, losing all of your lives should stop the game and the timer, giving the game an actual losing state. Moving on the ramp after stopping feels very slow, which makes getting started again really hard.


Again, the random generation works really really well, since it gives each run up the ramp a unique feel far different from the last. The timer encourages moving quickly, and makes me feel like I need to compete against myself every time I played. The player model responds well to the input of the player.


This game, despite not really having a win or lose state, is still fun to play. The environment is really colorful which adds to the experience of a fun and bright challenge. I really like the challenge that this game can present at times, but the game should eventually reach a stopping point, whether that be after winning or losing. Room to improve, sure, but it's still well made and works as it's intended to.