Thanks for playing! Glad you were able to complete it, despite the issues. Also, thanks for the thorough feedback, it's appreciated!
Your at least the 3rd player who has mentioned the movement, so I guess it's time to accept that needs another look. I'm going to leave the hitbox as is though, as I'm really not going for true bullet hell. I've been referring to it as "bullet-heck". With the large health bar, and power ups healing the player, I feel like there's plenty of room for error. I've never played a bullet hell game personally, and was really going for the feel of a 90s era SHMUP overall.
The arrow key thing... I'm aware of that problem. I always recommend AWSD, but with other keyboard arrangements and settings, I feel like I'd get complaints if I took out the arrow keys. Googling around, it seems this is a hardware issue, with most consumer keyboards "locking" the number of inputs of certain buttons. Higher end keyboards may not experience this issue. Another solution is to use the mouse + arrow keys. I always use the mouse, though I realize this may not be every player's preferred input. Though I guess I'd have to rethink the dialogue advance button if I expect arrow keys + mouse.
Good catch on the wavy shot! I rarely use that one, once I was past testing it, so that problem slipped by me. I'll have to change how the bullets get culled.
For my Devtober project, I'm updating and expanding this with a new play-mode (a Camilla play-through) and three new stages for that mode... I'll see if I can address some of these issues in that update as well! I'll be posting it at the end of the month, before Devtober is over, but at the very end of MGGJ2 judging, as I don't want these updates to be considered on this jam's judging.
I hope you'll give it another try then!