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First, let me thank you here, Tobias, for contacting me and making me aware of OctoJam. The enthusiasm here is awesome and I hope that I can contribute something worthwhile (or maybe just fun) to the mix! In recent months I wrote a Chip-8 interpreter "MyChip8" in Qt and C++ and, that done, I am now revising "Surround," from Pips for VIPS I. Reading that code and text has really taken me back to my origins! The original code runs, but not perfectly (perhaps due to its MLS calls, which I had to strip out of course). I considered perhaps fixing the bug, but it's not really in Octo; it's just the Chip8 byte codes in 0xff format. I wanted to write a new game in Octo, so that's what I'm doing for the Jam. The revised game, which is close to working, is called "Snake Surround" (I see there is a Snake entry already and it's really good! Mine is similar but different -- but the more the merrier, right?!) Cheers to all. -- Tom


Great to have you here, Tom!


Thanks -- I really admire Octo, by the way. -- Tom

Welcome, you can never have too many snakes!


Indiana Jones notwithstanding <g> I agree