Alright, I need to be able to do an "unpack-long" type of thing. Seeing as my file was ~3000 lines anyway, I decided to split it up into smaller files and recombine it in a build stage. This also allows me more flexibility in moving data and code around without getting annoyed by it.
So I'm trying do this:
:org 0x1000 # Data here :org 0x0200 : main # Code here loop again
But if you try this in Octo it will give you an error: "Data overlap. Address 0x0200 has already been defined". I guess there's an implicit ":org 0x0200" at the top of the file.
This works:
: main jump 0x0202 :org 0x1000 # Data here :org 0x0202 # Code here loop again
But I mean, that's just plain annoying ;P Especially since an "unpack-long" is pretty much the first thing I want to do in my ": main". Do you have any suggestions on how to clean this up..?