Magic needs a huge buff.
Its definetly not worth the price... I use an 8MP spell (burning hands) and it does 50-75 damage while my normal hits do twice that. And I am already using the spear to get some more "Intelligence." while i can potential do over a 100 to 4 foes with quadro slash. Ray of frost is a bit better but still only does 66% of a normal attack. (100 damage around that, nevermind its 75-100) which is totally stupid given that the Rage skills are so much stronger.... wizards need a boost. Though to be fair he is probably intended to be played as a paladin but i guess i just want my main char to be primarily a mage.)
I am gonna update this with other damage numbers once I get more spells. I already got a few other class skills and am closing in on the 150 battles mark. ;)
It all looks good, but the spellpower is really, really lacking. At least i now got the CP boosting skill. (25% cp is really usefull.)
Edit: shocking grasp does as much as a normal attack and with a high roll maybe 10-20 more.... still pretty bad for a ressource based move.
Edit2: Would be nice to see how much EXP you need for the next class level that isn't the main class.
Edit3: Stealing is cool... cant wait to see what more classes there are after rogue lol
Edit4: After trying out stealing i found out, the longer you are in battle, potentially as well as long as you do smth usefull like healing or stealing (i have quite the collection of battle axes now from the cave barbarians) it can go quite high. Currently my highest outcome is 214 CP for Warren by stealing and 99 for maximus for healing with channel energy.
Edit5: Starting level 11 knight and level 7/8 wizard magic is starting to become somewhat usefull as a single target thing. With the +10% int buff at least. The aeos are still woefully underpowered.
Edit6: I think more abilities that are passive that increase stats could help with making all subclasses for everyone usefull... if you invest the time you can use it as every character. Some might still be more inclined to one class or another, but yeah. Just a thought for now. I am gonna earn some more AP to earn that acid spell or however it was called and then do a damage number comparison with physical vs magical. Not now though as i have stuff to do later.
Edit7: Well the assasin was a disappointment. Yes i am overlevelled as all hells but he was basically a normal boss. He used nothing out of ordinary. He did some bleeding but despite carrying poison he never used anything with poison. He doesnt have an assasins burst either. Oh well... also i did a 1024 crit with bulls rush on that assasin. lol
Edit8: Is there some sort of special effect running in the background that increases MP/HP? Because i sometimes get boosts to those without a class up as i assumed before.
Edit9: That ogre lord was more like it! Too bad he was only a damage sponge as well without a remeding factor... he didnt even get reinforcement... alright. lol
Edit10: Why can't waren as a level 9 wizard say anything about the scroll? Sad me. No easteregg for the grinders.
Edit11: Alright i didnt expect the end i thought i still had a bit but oh well. I have to say visually this is a treat. Music is pretty good as well and its to soon to say anything to the story. But yeah it is pretty decent. But to the important point... whats the sixth class? I only had Knight, Rogue, Fighter, Wizard, Cleric and the standard classes each came with. so 3 different knights, the class maximus had whose name i forgot, and the ones i named. I demand more classes to grind skills for! XD Anyways. I am 8hours 30minutes in and 90% of that is grinding.... xD
Edit12: Enemy bleed and poison need a buff. I mean 4-9 damage per dot is.... nothing.