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Thank you so much!! That's really wonderful to hear!

Yes, I definitely see where you're coming from regarding the controls! I wanted to add an alternative control system with less fish struggles so that the player could at least start having some fun (important!) before deciding if they want more challenge, but unfortunately that was one thing I didn't have time to implement while I was trying to make sure that I had gotten everything working right. 🙁 Definitely something for the future though!

Ah, I'm so glad you liked the human behaviour! I definitely don't have a team of humans all sitting around playing the game online simultaneously to control all the in-game characters. 😄😅


This is a game jam after all, it would be foolish to expect the games here to be 100% bug-free or perfect, in general! You and your team did a fantastic job! :D


Truuue! I'm always so self-conscious about my bugs. I'm like, "OH NO I PROMISE I WAS AWARE OF THIS BUG AND JUST COULDN'T FIX IT IN TIME; IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE LIKE THAT I PROMISE", but then that logic applies to everyone, so I guess it just goes without saying. xD Ahh, thank you so much, I'll tell my team! :D This is my first online game jam where I didn't work solo, and I'm really glad it went so well!

I'll check out your game (and the others) too and let you know how I get on! 😁


Ahahah yeah I feel it too xD And yes, be proud of what you guys made because it rocks!

Thanks for checking I am Honk out xD (yes, there are bugs and other stuff I do not completely like but hey xD)